Just found another way to show how crappy MS is ...
Basically a user is required to check a box (Terms&Conditions) in order to process with his submission
but unfortunately, at first try, i hooked the handler to the event onchange ....
Firefox works fine, but IE 7 works funny, after checking the box, the button won't show ENABLED unless u click somewhere else
Thx to tutong ... he found a better candidate for the event OnClick for IE7!!
but which event is more logical? onclick or onchange ? ....
then Tutong's started to defend MS as
'long time ago ... all controls are button ... as such ... you should hook the event to onclick'
MS should award Tutong for a Most-Valuable-Defender Price ...
What's wrong to accept it as a bug rather than blaming the user/developer "hey u should read more history before starting ur project ..."
Stop being MS Defender